Who is Bloodroot for?

All of us are harmed by patriarchy, including men, however particular hurt has landed on the bodies and spirits of those marginalized by gender, to varying degrees, based on intersecting identities.

The Bloodroot Experience is a space for cis women, trans and non-binary people who are comfortable in an environment that centers the experience of those socialized as women.

Private Bloodroot Sessions are open to anyone who feels called to experience a deeper reclaiming, healing and honoring of themselves and their precious bodies. All gender identities are welcome for a private session.

I really want to do a session but I feel nervous, is that normal?

Yes! Nearly everyone says they feel nervous at some point in the process of deciding to have a Bloodroot Session or attend a Bloodroot retreat. We spend a lot of time communicating with folks, building safety and trust through multiple points of contact before anyone is even before Rachel’s camera lens. Our retreats are designed to take the participants on a journey of easing them in to do the work they came to do. In our experience, most things worth doing often begin with feeling a little/or a lot nervous. We got you!

What will my Bloodroot Session be like?

It's difficult to describe exactly what your session will be like, but the intention is that Bloodroot Sessions are a space for you to embody that which your heart needs most and is a space for generous permission to be in your body. If you're wanting to bring in self love you can touch your body with kindness, if there's joy you can laugh and dance, if there's grief you can cry, if there's rage you can scream, if you're feeling sexy you can BE sexy...all is welcome, there is no too much + no not enough and no two sessions are alike. In both private sessions + retreat sessions a delightful array of natural props and an ample full gender spectrum wardrobe are available for you to play with.

Do I have to be naked for the photo session?

No! Nudity is always a choice and whatever you choose your beautiful truth will be captured. Each person is free to take off however much clothing they are comfortable shedding. You are in charge of your photo session from beginning to end.

Why is the Bloodroot Retreat so expensive?

As we move towards making the work of Bloodroot sustainable so that we get to keep doing it for many years to come we find ourselves needing to be honest + creative when it comes to resources. There is a great deal of care + intention that goes into every aspect of a Bloodroot retreat including a private Bloodroot Session which is valued at $1,200. We have a large staff with trained facilitators, who are vital to this work being done in integrity + with the depth of care + witnessing that those participating deserve. The food is homemade, the locations are carefully chosen, often with acres of land allowing for privacy, individual reiki sessions are provided as well as opportunities for art making, and many more magical extras. There’s so much that goes into making the retreat a powerful, healing experience that it requires resources.

We are also committed to accessibility + believe that healing should be for everyone. To that end we seek opportunities that help us be able to fund our scholarships.

We offer 5 sliding scale slots per retreat that are open to anyone with financial need. We give priority to BIPOC individuals, those with disabilities + those who are single parents.

Some testimonials about the value of the retreats:

"I had no idea the level of intention that goes into the Bloodroot Retreat. The experience was truly priceless."

"The thoughtful details, the workshops, the PHOTO SESSION! Wow, this was just so far beyond what I was expecting.”

“I could go on for ages with descriptive words-affirming, grounding, healing, liberating- and never feel it fully encompassed the magic that fueled the entire weekend. My heart and spirit remain full of awe and gratitude for the vision and manifestation of the creators of this weekend retreat. When sharing my experience with others, I refer to you all as "transformation doulas" because it feels that each participant left stripped of layers they intended to shed, with the care and guidance of practiced loving healers.”

Do you offer sliding scale or payment plans?

Yes! Each retreat has 4-5 sliding scale spots.. We believe that this kind of offering should be accessible to all people and that we are better together with our vast array of identities and experiences. If you feel called to attend but need help with the cost please reach out to learn more. Unfortunately we can’t accommodate everyone who applies for a sliding scale spot but we hope that announcing the dates in advance will allow time for saving.

Payment plans are available. Please let us know if you are interested!

For those with resources or generational wealth who want to pay it forward for the healing of the collective, you can contribute towards our scholarship fund making it possible for us to offer Bloodroot to more people.

What is your Cancelation Policy?

We know life happens and sometimes people need to cancel. If you need to cancel your participation in a retreat, the following dates apply:

If your request to cancel is submitted 90+ days prior to the event, Bloodroot will refund or issue a credit for the total cost (payments made, the 10% deposit is non-refundable)

If your request to cancel is submitted 60+ days prior to the event, Bloodroot will refund or issue a credit for 75% of the total cost (payments made, the 10% deposit is non-refundable)

If your request to cancel is submitted 40+ days prior to the event, Bloodroot will refund or issue a credit for 50% of the total cost (payments made, the 10% deposit is non-refundable)

If your request to cancel is submitted anytime less than 40 days prior to the event, a 50% credit will be applied for a future Bloodroot event(s) of your choice.

What's your covid policy?

We strive do our best to create an environment of care and safety for our retreat community. As we approach the retreat date we will determine protocols around Covid based on current trends, recommendations and retreat center requirements. In the past our protocol has evolved and has included testing prior to the retreat, during the retreat as needed and possible indoor masking.

We take COVID seriously and also know our limitations. As much as we would like to accommodate those that need the whole group to be fully masked during the entirety of the retreat we are unable to promise that indoor masking will occur throughout the whole of the retreat. We are able to bring air-filters and optimize cross ventilation upon request. Please reach out to us with any questions, concerns or needs you may have.

We are currently developing another offering that would be accessible to those with suppressed immune systems.